Reading With Your Child – Paired Reading

Eileen Rygus
King Edward Elementary School

Paired reading can help your child become a more fluent reader and can also help your child better understand and remember what (s)he is reading.  It also demonstrates that reading is an important and fun activity for people of all ages.

Find a quiet and comfortable spot.  Let your child hold the book so that you can both see the words.

Place your finger under the first word of the text.  You can use a paper marker to hold under the words or you can sweep a finger under the words.  Begin by reading together, trying to read at the same time.

Decide on a signal; e.g., tapping on the book, for your child to show that (s)he wants to read alone.  When your child signals, allow him/her to read alone, but continue to follow the print.  Quiet encouragement such as “yes” or “uh-huh” tells your child that you are reading along.

If your child makes a mistake, point to the word, say it, repeat the word with your child and then continue reading together.  If your child struggles with a word, wait at least five seconds before helping.  This gives your child a chance to try it alone.  After this wait time, point to the word, say it, then put a finger back on the text.  Repeat the word together and continue to read together until your child signals that they want to read alone again.

As you read the story together, you can take breaks to discuss the story.

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